A Word About Spiral11 and Myself
Hey! 👋 I'm Sébastien (aka Seb) and I'm creating Spiral11 as a way to keep my wellness/healing/spirituality thoughts together. This will hopefully help out those who find themselves on a similar path.
I figured that I should share what I discover and what I learn about along the way. To learn more about the back story of this site you can read this article.
You can also check out muted.io, another project of mine where I share sound recordings and musical tools.
rrrelax is a simple online app I created to help us take slow relaxing breaths.
I'm also into photography and you can see some of it over at multicolor.io
I'm also building a collection of HTML templates over at fffuel.co.
I'll try to add more to this page over time, but in the meantime here's a recent-ish photo of me, taken by a very good friend: